Eccoci ad un outfit tutto particolare,un outfit d’oltralpe:)qui siamo a Lindau,stupenda cittadina tedesca al confine tra Austria e Germania. Caratteristica con le sue case nordiche,il suo mercatino d’artigianato e gli odori dei cibi che salgono invitanti dai bachetti all’aperto..un sogno! Stretta nel mio bel maglione extra large bianco e dorato sono partita all’esplorazione del luogo,degno di un reportage da vero professionista!(le foto sarebbero davvero troppe da mostrare!!!! )Ebbene il mio outfit comprende poi un bel jeans comodo e le stupende scamosciate IGI & Co..perugine doc!allora cosa ne pensate?ne vale la pena vero?:)

hi my friends!this is a very special post made in germany.Here we are in Lindau, a beautiful town on the border between Austria and Germany. Characteristics with its northern house,arts and crafts market and food’s smells rising from a dream! So close in my beautiful white and gold extra large sweater I started exploring the place(Pictures would be really too many to show!!) Well my outfit consists of jeans comfortable and the wonderful suede IGI & Co.. Perugian doc! so what do you think? worth it?🙂

Photos by Salvio Orlando

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  2. I love this look I just said in chicisimo! if you want we can follow each other:)

  3. ohhh!!! The pictures are very nice! And your look is very very beautiful!!!


  4. It is beautiful! I like your style!

  5. ti seguo anch’io vale hai un blog stupendo!!!!;)

  6. Ho appena scoperto questo blog e mi piace tantissimo! Ti seguiró!
    Molto carino questo outfit!


  7. thank you sam!!!!i always hope to satisfy your curiosity with my posts!:)

    • Sam
    • December 3, 2011

    Hi dear, very nice boots. I like your blog background.

  8. certo yumiko!!!ti seguo subito:)anch’io ho una pagina facebook..”Dans la Valise”fashion blog!:)vado subito sul tuo blog;)

  9. he! thanks for your comment in Chicisimo.
    great jump.

  10. thank you honey!!!!sure i go on your blog and follow you:)kiss

  11. Love your knit! lovely photos too! I would love for us to follow each other!

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