My Pink Life

Amiche mie oggi si gioca finalmente in casa:)in occasione di queste vacanze natalizie ho potuto approfittare infatti per rilassarmi e scattare qualche foto nella mia bellissima Calabria.Queste foto sono state scattate nella zona boschiva e pittoresca delle Terme Luigiane in provincia di Cosenza,uno dei complessi termali più ricchi di zolfo d’Europa. Fra rocce scoscese,romantici ponti di legno sospesi su piccoli corsi d’acqua il set sembrava davvero incantato. Per contrastare con il verde lucente della natura ho optato per colori accesi sia nei collant sia nel pullover extralarge,un vero tripudio di tonalità.La giacca grigio attenua e insieme sottolinea le zone più sfavillanti mentre le scarpe Sheoes and Shoes con tacco moderatamente alto slanciano la figura.Il maxi pull risale a quanto ne so agli inizi anni 90′ scoperto per caso nell’armadio della mia cara mamma,e devo dire che l’ho subito amato,così come la giaccessa proviene invece da un mercatino vintage di Parigi,dove l’anno scorso mi sono concessa una breve parentesi romantica:)perchè la vita non è solo bianca o anche un pò Pink!!!

My dear Fashionistas finally i can show you my beautiful Calabria!!!During this Christmas holiday I had the opportunity to relax in my sea country and take some photos in this wonderful place.Here i’m near the Terme Luigiane,a natural spa in Cosenza’s district.Among steep rocks, romantic bridges suspended on small rivers the set looked really enchanted.To contrast with the bright green of nature i have opted for vivid colors both in pantyhose and in oversize pull.The Jacket,dark grey,softens this explosion of colours.The shoes are moderately hight but just enough to slender silhouette. The oversize pull is of 90’years and i found it in my mother guardrobe,the jacket cames frome a parisian vintage marketplace..i buy it last year during a romantic holidays whit Salvio:)because the life is not only black or white..but also Pink!!!!

                                                           Kiss from Calabria by Dans la Valise!

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  1. ohhh love your blog. The background is quite nice and your pics look great!!! Great job!

    I invite you to take part of a giveaway that is taking place in my blog until today at 00.00. Is a great opportunity 😉

  2. Hi!I like so much your style and your blog!the photos are amazing!!Thanks for following me on chicisimo ¿Would you like to visit my blog too? 🙂

  3. my own pleasure darling:)kisssss

  4. Hi again!!! I’m following you now on Google, Bloglovin and Lookbook! So glad to meet you 🙂

  5. Dear Baby Budget i agree whit you!:)we can follow each other!!!i’m already your fan;)xoxo

  6. sure Julia!!!i remember you!!!!i go immediately on your blog!;)

  7. Love the stripes, love the red tights, love the shoes!!! Great blog! Would you like to follow each other?

  8. Great blog! you are my fan number 1 of chicisimo 🙂 do you remeber me?
    please subscribe on my blog!

  9. thank you dear Zara!!!:)i’m very happy that you like it!!!

    • Zara
    • January 4, 2012

    Hello! I love the blog. The photos are gorgeous, the outfit is very chic. A kiss and Merry Christmas

  10. amazing christmas nightmare pics!!!!!!!!
    take a look to my photographic work and follow me if you like it 🙂

    • Dami
    • January 3, 2012

    Loved the pics!
    Dami (:

  11. sure dear!i follow you also on lookbook and bloglovin;9if you want follow me too:)kiss

  12. Cute outfit dear!!! Love your shoes and your pantys 🙂
    If you like my blog and you wanna… we could followed each other! 🙂

    KISSES… & Happy 2012!
    Estefanía J. ABSOstyle

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