And the first Dans la Valise’s IT GIRL is….!!!

                                                       LAURA RODRIGUEZ
                                                                  My Fashion Vespa

By a casual draw between the fashion bloggers that parteciped in the competion the name of the winner is Laura Rodriguez,fashion blogger of My Fashion Vespa. Congratulation dear Laura!!!you win a personal post on Dans la Valise,publicity for this year on my bulletin board and the widget that you can publish on your blog!i’ll get you more info with a mail that you’ll receive soon!
For the other fashionistas a big big thank you!thanks for your support and your participation!!!so i want to give you a’ll have yours space in my next initiative “THE FASHION TEA”a section dedicated to all of you where you can express ideas and meet other fashion bloggers!Thanks again to all!


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  1. Enhorabuena a la ganadora!! 🙂

  2. por cierto lexis! estate atenta al blog! tendras una mención!

  3. muchas gracias por el premio! me ha hecho mucha ilusión! Este tipo de concursos son geniales! Siempre es bueno conocer a otros bloggers!

    un besazo para todos! sobre todo para Lexis!

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