International contest for The Fashion Tea


Big,important project for Dans la Valise!it is a contest to try 4 international collaborators that can write with me “The Fashion Tea”a new bulletin of Dans la Valise where you can find Fashion news by the world!I try expert collaborators that can write of style,events and trend of their country and tell you all the ingredients to be fashion not only in Italy but also around the world!


  • the certificate of “Dans la Valise International Collaborator”and relative widget for your blog
  • a series of post publish in my blog where you can exprime your style make know to the other fashion blogger your works and your style
  • Became Gold Fashion Blogger


  • follow Dans la Valise on BLOGLOVIN
  • Follow Dans la Vaise whit google friends connect
  • Write a comment in this post with your nationality and some information about your fashion work

you have time until january 30!good luck!


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  1. Reply

    Dear honey!
    Thank you for your comment! I follow you in bloglovin and google friends connect.
    I’m spanish and I have a fashion’s blog. In this I talk about fashion an other things like shops in my city or beauty.
    Visit my blog:


  2. Reply

    Hi Lexi! I follow u in bloglovin and google friends connect ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m mexican designer, I have a fashion blog where I talk about current trends and often upload photos about my outfit of the day. Now I got a job at a fashion magazine in my city, where it will produce fashion shoots.
    My blog:

    See u beauty!

  3. Reply

    Hola guapa:
    desde hoy te sigo en tub log y te invito a conocer el mío…
    Un saludo

  4. Reply

    Hola!! Mi nombre es Mercedes y soy de Argentina, amó la moda y soy muy nueva como blogger, porque en mi país no es algo muy común!
    Me gustaría mucho colaborar en tu proyecto porque siempre me ha dado curiosidad la moda en otros paises…

    un beso =)

  5. Reply

    hola guapisima,,,como ya sabes mi nombre es angela!!!soy de valencia (españa) y aunque llevo poquito en este mundo!!!tengo un monton de ilsusion y proyectos en mente!!!ya que la moda y lo que le rodea me vuelve loca!!!
    tus ideas y concursos son ideales!!!!que ilusion debe de hacer ganar!!!a mi personalmente me llenaria de satifacion,,
    bueno bombon mil gracias por avisarme del concurso y suerte para todas!!!
    mil besos

  6. Reply

    Hey!!!! I’ve followed you on bloglovin and with GFC here on your blog!
    I’m Italian from Milan and I’m a young designer and a fashion blogger ๐Ÿ™‚ At the moment in my blog I’m posting photos of my outfits to help normal girls to dress up, mix and match and most of all have fun with fashion ๐Ÿ™‚
    my blog is:

    PS. fa strano scrivere in inglese sapendo che anche tu sei italiana ahahah ๐Ÿ˜› Bacio

    • Ln
    • January 17, 2012

    Hey!! Thx for your invitation on Chicisimo.I’m 20 and from Belgium. I’m a young designer and own my own blog that I just started. I design my own clothes and recently sketched my first collection which I’m working on right now. I learned myself to sew and you can see my evaluation on my blog. I love the fashion in Belgium because I live in Antwerp and Antwerp is a divers city. Here live people from all over the world. You can see all kinds of styles and I love that.It’s my biggest source of inspiration. I’m a young girl but dream big.

    My blog:

  7. Reply

    you wrote me inchicisimo!!
    thanks because of your comment!! i follow your blog and you inchicisimo

  8. Reply


    Soy de Perú
    Te dejo mis datos para el concurso
    Analy Fretel soria

  9. Reply

    Thank you so much for your nice comments on chicisimo. I followed you via bloglovin and google friends connect; hope you follow me back ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m from Turkey and I loooove fashion so I reaaaaly wanna be one of top fashion bloggers.
    I like vintage. High waisted bottoms, high heels ( the higher the better), hats, color, prints (esp. leopaed), leggings and really mini dresses haha ๐Ÿ™‚
    I hope I get the chance to win this thing because I would actually die of happiness xo

  10. Reply

    Hi! My name is Amaia and I’m a fashion blogger from Spain.
    My style is so casual and I like to make chic outfits with basic clothes and special complements. You can see it on my blog:

    Thank you so much and kisses from Spain! ๐Ÿ™‚


  11. Reply

    my email is
    i’m a normal girl with a simple vision of the fashion but i don’t affraid to tell the truth.


  12. Reply

    What a nice blog! It is really interesting!
    I’m Raquel and I’m a fashion blogger from Spain, as you could see on Chicisimo.
    In my blog I try to include my diary outfits, the clothing that is fashion at the moment and other events that we can follow in Spain.
    I’m between Barcelona and Santiago de Compostela and I could contribute you the fashion points of view of the two places.

    Hope to hear about you soon!


  13. Reply

    Hola guapa te sigo! me gusta tu blog te invito a seguirme si quieres,besos.

    • Sara
    • January 18, 2012

    Hi dear, thanks for telling me about your project! I just have my blog, I love fashion (maybe like everyone here? haha) and I go to almost every fashion event (Fashion Weeks, shopening nights…) in my city, Valencia in Spain ๐Ÿ™‚
    Keep in touch dear! xxx

  14. Reply

    GIRLS!!!!you are fantastic!!!i’m watching your blog and it’s very very hard to choose the winners already now!:)i recommended to you that to validate your partecipation in the contest you must follow Dans la Valise on BLOGLOVIN!;)good look my fashionistas!!!!!


  15. Reply

    Firts of all lots of thans fort telling me about these amazing project!
    I have allready studied graphic design, now i am studying for personal shopper. I have my own blog of fashion and I am from Barcelona.
    I invite you to visit my blog, ¿do you want?
    Thanks for contact with me!

    • Eva
    • January 18, 2012

    Hi dear! My name is Eva, i’m a fashion blogger from Barcelona, Spain. I have my own fashion blog since october 2011, and ovbiously… I’m totally in love with fashion, so I really wanna be one of top fashion bloggers. I go to every fashion events of Barcelona and sometimes to Madrid. Hope you like my blog and hope to hear about you soon!

    I followed you via bloglovin and google friends connect.

    Happiness Everywhere♥

  16. Reply

    Ciao ,
    siamo Lorenza e Adelaide e abbiamo un blog in comune dove postiamo tutte e le novità , gli outfit e le foto riguardanti la moda (nostra grande passione) ; veniamo da vicino Pescara e stiamo cercando di realizzare degli outfit in collaborazione con piccoli negozi di vestiti e accessori .Un bacio passa a trovarci sul nostro blog

  17. Reply

    Hellloo, I am from Turkey, İstanbul. You have invited me to your contest so I am here.

    My blog is:
    it is a lifestyle blog with a lot of fashion. I worked for art and fashion magazines before.
    However, I am in America, San Diego right now… I can give fashion tips from both America and Turkey =)

    Thank you for this opportunity…

  18. Reply

    Ciao! Sul mio blog ti ho premiata nell’ultimo post con il “The Versatile Blogger”, quindi se vuoi fai un salto ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Reply

    hi, i’m from Venezuela but living in USA… i have a Beauty Blog called “El Mundo de Mana” or “Mana’s World” in English ejeje… i’m in Chicisimo too!!!

  20. Reply

    hola guapa te vuelvo a escribir porque me encantaria participar en el nuevo proyectoo,,y aportar la moda bajo mi punto de vista de españa en concreto la ciudad valenciana ,,,,como sus dias falleros que falta muy poquito,,!!!es una de sus fiestas populares!!!y con esto darte mil besos y preguntar si asi participo correctaente,es que no lo tengo claro por que no consigo traducir correctamente del todo..
    mil besos guapisima

  21. Reply

    beautiful pictures! Id love to follow along, thanks for the invite. I invite you to do the same:)


  22. Reply

    Hi! I’m a Colombian fashion lover since I was born. Both my mum and my aunt are fashion designers, so I can say I’ve been somehow involved with fashion since I was born. I also know that loving fashion is not just about shopping, but it includes a lot more than that. And that’s why I decided to start my own blog a few months ago, where I write in Spanish and English. Although I sometimes post up inspiration items and things I like, it is more a “Look of the Day” type of blog. There, I share with my readers what I like and what I wear. And I try to include in my outfits what is trending not only in Colombia but in the world, but always keeping in mind that we are all unique and that I must do it in my own way, without trying to imitate anyone else. I post up what I believe is my style, in the different scenarios where I live my life (including traveling, which is probably my second-favourite thing, adter fashion, of course!)

    Thanks for the invite to join this amazing contest! It’s a great opportunity for us, emerging fashion bloggers from around the world!

    Lots of Love,

    Laura (

  23. Reply

    Hi Lexi. Cool blog. I am South African. My blog is called Life. Fashion. I blog mostly about fashion but now and then I’ll blog about whatever is affection me at the time. I’m passionate about writing..especially writing about fashion.

    I appreciate the invite.

    XO XO

  24. Reply


  25. Reply

    thanks for your komment! Im from finland and heres my blog:

  26. Reply

    Hi! Thanks for the comment on chicisimo! I would LOVE to participate in this contest! I’m following you via bloglovin’ and GoogleFC.

    My nationality is Spanish ๐Ÿ™‚ My blog’s name is MyChicStyle , I post about my daily style that almost everyday is chic. I have always loved fashion, when I was little I used to take my mom’s high hells and dance and take pictures, fashion has always been my main passion and in two years I’ll be studying design at the university. It’s a pleasure for me participating on this contest.

    Thanks you so much.

  27. Reply

    Hi!! Thank you for write on Chicismo! I have already signed! I follow you by google, bloglovin and Chicismo!
    I’m Spanish. I worked as a model many years. Now I have two children that’s the reason I began to create clothes for children, later for us and so on… My blog is new! I created for publish my creations and since this month my outfits too!! Do you like? You can follow me..
    Take in touch for your contest and your post!!

  28. Reply

    I’m following you!!


  29. Reply

    Hey thank you for following me im following you too, I would love to participate in this contest.

    Im from Denmark where I go to fashion school TEKO im studying creative purchasing management, because I one day would like to be a stylist and designer as well. I have been drawing and playing dress up my whole life. my blog is bout fashion and me and my twin sisters lifestyle It’s a pleasure for me participating on this contest.
    xoxo Christina Sahl

  30. Reply

    i love your blog and your photos!! I follow you!!
    I would love to participate in your contest.
    In my blog I talk about my personal vision of fashion and I show my styles of the day to day. I always worked in fashion because I love.
    Thanks for contact with me!!!

  31. Reply

    Thanks for invite me !
    I follow you on bloglovin and GFC
    My name is Alice, I’m a teen fashion blogger from Spain. My blog’s link is You can know more about me at the sidebar :)!

    Join my new skull bracelet GIVEAWAY !

  32. Reply

    Hiii I am following you on bloglovin, chicisimo and googgle friend connect. . . I am American and am currently a manager of a clothing boutique I also am graduating with a degree in fashion merchandising and marketing. I would love to be a collaborator

  33. Reply

    Ciao! My name is Angie and, even if in my real life I work on the marketing department of a company, I have a “parallel life” on the Internet. Through my 2 blogs (one about trips and books and another about fashion ) and my Youtube channel, I feel that I can express my real passions. I would love to be a part of this interesting project. Un beso muy grande desde el sur de España!!

  34. Reply

    Hola Lexis!te escribo en español, porque he visto q tus seguidoras lo hacen y al ser italiana me entiendes jiji :). Me encantaría participar en este proyecto amore! tienes muy buenas ideas la verdad. Te cuento un poquito sobre mí:

    Soy Irene, tengo 21 años, llevo 7 meses con mi blog, vivo en Oviedo (Asturias), en el norte de España ( de donde son el príncipe Felipe y la princesa Letizia ๐Ÿ™‚ . Me encanta el mundo de la moda, intento mostrar mis looks, novedades en cuanto a campañas, y por supuesto daría noticias a todas sobre qué esta pasando en España en cuanto a moda: desfiles, eventos… me encantaría que me escogieras ๐Ÿ™‚

    te sigo vía google y blog lovin ๐Ÿ™‚

    bacio bella!

  35. Reply

    hola ,lexis,vivo en galicia ,al norte de España,antes de ser madre trabaje siempre en tiendas de moda,luego decidi quedarme con mi hija en casa ahora que la niña tiene 8 años descubri que por medio del blog ,puedo seguir dedicandome a la moda que es lo que realmente me gusta ,y desde casa y con mi hija,que es lo que deseo

  36. Reply

    te escribo porque me llamo la atención tu comentario en
    Chicisimo. Soy una chica de 22 años, del Pais Vasco, del norte de españa, que acaba de comenzar con su blog no hace mucho. Me parece un proyecto interesantisimo y me gustaria muchisimo participar. En mi blog enseño mis fotos del día a día en las que enseño tanto lo que llevo puesto asi como sitios de mi ciudad. Creo que la moda va más allá, no es solo una manera de ser, es el instrumento con el que poder cambiar por completo tu manera de vestir. Un día puedes ser de lo más lady y al día siguiente ser toda una rockera. Eso es lo que me gusta, que cambias por fuera, pero sigues siendo tu al mismo tiempo.

    Gracias por la oportunidad! ๐Ÿ˜€
    y suerte a todas!


    I write because my attention your comment
    Chicisimo. I am a girl of 22 years, the Basque Country, northern Spain, which has just started his blog not long ago. It seems a very interesting project and I’d love to participate. In my blog show my photos of everyday life in which I teach what I wear so well as places of my city. I think fashion goes beyond not just a way of being is the instrument with which to completely change the way you dress. One day can be most lady and the next day be a real rocker. That’s what I like, you change the outside, but you’re still together.

    thanks for the oportunity and good luck for everyone ๐Ÿ˜‰

  37. Reply

    I’m Lebanese Armenian from Los Angeles, California. My style would be considered preppy boho chic. I love Zara, JCrew, Anthropologie, and forever 21! Check out my blog and please follow ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Reply

    Hi Lexis!
    i’m Sandra from Barcelona, Spain.
    I follow you on Bloglovin and google friends connect!
    thanks to your comment in chicisimo i can know about this!
    and i have to say you that it seems so interesting.
    Talking about my professional fashion life, well, i have a fashion blog
    where i show my outfits and other things that interest me.
    You can stop by and see it:

  39. Reply

    Hi Lexis!
    I’m Lary, I’m from Brasil but I live in México.
    I work for a jeans factory here and i’m a fashion designer and blogger too. Fashion moves my life all the time and everywhere I go.

  40. Reply

    hola guapa, a cabo de leer tu comentario en chicisimo, muchìsimas gracias. Si, estaría encantada de participar. Me llamo gemma, soy de La Rioja(España),tengo 24 años, me apasiona el mundo de la moda, a cabo de comenzar en esto de los blogs, podríamos decir que soy novata, pero llevo años siguiendo blogs de otra gente, lo que me animó a crear el mío propio. A partir de ahora tienes una seguidora más, estamos en contacto. Mi blog es
    un saludo y gracias de nuevo

  41. Reply

    Hi! First of all I really like the idea of this project, I try to read blogs from all over the world, but having just one that can cover bloggers from 10 different countries is amazing!
    I am a 18-year-old brasilian student, who is also madly in love with the whole fashion world. I just started a new blog ( where I post my every day outfits and try to give tips, advices, suggestions e talk about fashion related subjects. In addition I can write in english, portuguese and german.
    If you want to know anything else you can email me! (


  42. Reply

    Hi my name’s Silvia. The idea of the collaborator is very beautiful and I’d like to take part . I love fashion, create and experiment new outfits every day. I have a project to open a new blog, where write about my personal idea of fashion and where write all aspect of my life. If you care to find me now on facebook (Silvia de Meo),twitter (SilviadeMeo) and chicisimo (Silvia1692). My e-mail is: kisses

  43. Reply

    Hello dear!, my name is silvia Schirinzi, attend a fashion school, I very piacerebe work with you on this project, because I am interested very much in fashion!
    Public my daily outfits on my fashion blog:

    Kiss xx silvia.
    My e-mail:

  44. Reply

    Hi! I follow u!! I’m Barbara from Rome (Italy), I only wear what I lke and not because is it fashionable! I have my fashion blog, I keep a lot more to the details, from when I create a look as I organize a dinner party or just a dinner because they are the details that make a difference!

  45. Reply

    Hi- Brett here.

    LOve this idea! Genius of you lol. I am from South Africa. My blog ( is not just about my style, but about anything and everything that is fashion. Give it a look.

    I am following on Bloglovin’ & Google Friend Connect!

  46. Reply

    Hi Lexi- thanks for the invitation via Chicismo! I’m now following you on Bloglovin and google. I would love for you to do the same. I am from the The Virgin Islands, raised in Brooklyn NY and Now living in South Florida, style for me is a personal esthetic, and I love being around clothes and beautiful things.


    Visit me at

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