And The Gold Bloggers of the Fashion Tea are…..!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Girls!!!!Finally i’ve choose my international collaboratos for The Fashion Tea!!!!!
Gold Bloggers are:

      Simay from Turkey                                 Perpetuity from U.S.A                    Claudia from Madrid
      Ali Cavazos from Mexico                       Analy From PerΓΉ                             Evalis from Barcelona
      Nha Amaral from Brasil                         Busi from South Africa                   L N from Belgium
                                                           The Fashionable Twins from Denmark

This Ufficial Bloggers will be divided in a groups of three for week and will write their post on Dans la Valise with all the fashion’s news of their country!
The choise is been very very hard,so i’ve choose among the other partecipants also a Special Guests that rotary,one blogger a week,can express their opinion with a post in The Fashion Tea together the GB..the special guest will be comunicated with the ufficial calendar Jenuary 3!(The Gold Blogger will received soon a mail with all the info on the Fashion Tea!)so i want to show now my fantastic Gold Blogger!!!!!!!!Remember my fashionistas..The Fashion Tea starts this Sunday 5!!!!!don’t miss!!!



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  1. girls the contest starts sunday 5!!!i recommented to you to send me a post after sunday ok?;)

  2. Lexis thank you very much! I have no words, in the course of this week I’ll be sending fashion information:)

    OMG!!! I can’t believe it!!!

  3. Thanks You So Much
    Estaré enviando un post de moda de mi país. En transcurso de la semana.


  4. Congratulations for the winners πŸ˜€ so lucky!



  6. me encanta tu seleccion

  7. GREETINGS to all the girls and lots of kisses for you Lexis!!! hope you are well πŸ™‚

    • Eva
    • February 1, 2012

    Thank you so much! I’m so excited and I’ve really wanted to start participating with you πŸ™‚
    See you soon!

    Greetings from Barcelona
    Happiness Everywhere♥

  8. sorry!!!i’ve publish new photo with your correct name:)sure i will write you soon a mail to tell about the posts for The Fashion Tea;)

  9. Thanks too much!! But I’m Carla not Claudia!!! Can you change it, please?? Or you can put Yellow Tete that is my blog name.
    I’m very happy for your choice!! Now I’m at Fashion Week…I’ll try to write you an email…

  10. From Italy per il momento cercherò di applicarmi io:)ma a breve ci sarà anche una versione tutta italiana del “The Fashion Tea”dove potranno esprimersi sull’Italian Style dieci fashioniste connazionali,con tutti i loro trucchi,segreti e fashion news dalle varie latitudini della penisola!

  11. Bella idea, sono curiosa di leggere i futuri post!

  12. And from Italy?

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