Girls!!!!!i’m very happy to show you my new shoes by Licean’s new collection. It was love at first sight!i’ve immediately love the colours and their pop art style,they seems like a Andy Warhol’s sculpture!I think that the new trends of this year will be just the use of these strong shades,pastel and acrylic colours in every fashion items,especially based on the contrast of the tonalities.I’m impatient to made the next outfit with these shoes,of whitch they’ll be the absolute protagonists!!!!soon on Dans la Valise don’t miss!!!;)
Ragazze!!!Sono molto felice di mostrarvi le mie nuove scarpe della nuova collezione Licean.E ‘stato amore a prima vista! Ho subito amato i colori e il loro stile pop art, che le fanno sembrare come una scultura di Andy Warhol.Penso che le nuova tendenza di quest’anno sarà infatti l’uso di queste tinte forti, dai colori pastello e acrilico,in particolare basate sul contrasto delle varie tonalità.Sono così impaziente di mostrarvi il mio prossimo outfit,incentrato proprio su queste scarpe,che saranno proprio le protagoniste assolute!!!presto su Dans la Valise non mancate!😉
woowww estupendos!!
besotes!, karola de ESTILO MODA
what a great shoes!!!!!!!! following you. XOXO.
Your shoes are sttuning!!
thanks to all girls!!!:)
Che belleeeee!!
Sono stupende queste scarpe! Anche io non vedo l’ora di vedere un outfit post con quelle meraviglie 🙂
Amazing!! I am curios to see your first outfit wearing these heels 😉
Have a nice Saturday
OMG! Those shoes are awesome! I love this new trend of color-blocking in shoes but I’m a little scared about buying some and then not knowing with what clothes to use them.
dear Maria,use the color block is ever a little problematic but there are many ways to wear this pop style.Specially in this years many brands propose a lot of combinations,starting from the shoes up to T-Shirt and Blazer that you can buy ensemble and already prepared to be worn!but also you can combined the colorblock with total black to give to your look a fresh touch!the solutions are manys you must just choose your way:)
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thanks Kate!!!!i’m so happy!!!thank you very much!!!