Ciao mie care fashioniste! La primavera è finalmente arrivata anche nella mia bella Perugia! Come si può vedere nelle mie nuove foto, ho approfittato di questo bel tempo per fotografare il mio primo outfit primaverile!Il tema centrale,come potete vedere,sono i fiori ei loro colori vivaci. Anche in questo look ho usato le mie amate Licean, abbinate con i collant Calzedonia fucsia, gli shorts Alcott e un top lungo Rose Back pieno di fiori variopinti e una farfalla ricamata sulla scollatura. It’s Spring Time!
Hi Fashionistas!!!The spring is finally comes also in my beautiful Perugia!How you can see in my new photos, i profited of this beautiful weather,to made my first spring’s outfit!The central theme are the flowers,and their cheerful colors. Also in this look i’ve used my Licean’s shoes,combined with Pink Calzedonia Panthyhose,my Alcott shorts and a long top Rose Back full of big flowers and a butterfly embroidered on neckline. It’s Spring Time!!!
Photos by Salvio Orlando
Preciosa y muy primaveral! Las fotos me encantan y los zapatos son una pasada.
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Wow ! I just looove the sensual curves of your high-heeled nylon-legs.
It is spring, indeed, and super-feminine and sexy ladies like you just make the world a nicer place to live in.
Lots of kisses.
love the top!!!
hermosa!! y tu fotos siempre fantasticas!! mil besos! y buen finde , Karola de ESTILO MODA
Cool outfit!
I like it but not for London yet… still quite cold and this weekend the weather will be baaaad :((