enze. Quest’anno scegli un Overcoat. Non te ne pentirai.
Vogue dusted off the story of ‘Overcoat, which this year becomes … Techno! Yes, we know that the mode does not really pass ever. Age, blooming, returning. As well as changing tastes and desires, like people. To teach us, in these days, it’s Vogue, the bible of fashionistas, who traces the history of one of the most comfortable yet controversial leaders of our years. The overcoat. More commonly coat or coat, it has a meaning much different just because of the different materials that can be produced, dividing it into categories of mixed absolute charm and sportiness disruptive. Vogue in this comparison between yesterday and today takes care of the technology, starting from the catwalks for next season, led by Blumarine, which shows a beautiful model total white duvet, and Catherine Malandrino that reinterprets it as a sexy black bustier. Super sophisticated style for Moncler coats Grenoble: processes that evoke elegance retro avant-garde, to arrive finally to the two-tone Issey Miyake, with diamond cut from Wonderland format and functionality cocoon. This winter, perhaps the fashion should be more lenient, allowing us to finally be comfortable keeping up with trends. This year, choose an Overcoat. You will not regret.
anche io sono stracolma di soprabiti, cappotti, spolverini 🙂 evviva!
Thank you for your sweet comment! awesome blog! I’m following!
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molto belli quelli che hai scelto 🙂 🙂
kiss kiss
Io sono piena di cappotti! 😀 direi…post perfetto per me 😀