Ragazze vi avevo già parlato del bellissimo evento IZaccaria a cui prenderò parte ad agosto nella splendida Agropoli! Bene volevo mostravi qualche foto e darvi qualche notizia in più sul work in progress, che ha visto il 29 ed il 30 la realizzazione dello spot ZAA per il primo Parfum firmato “I ZACCARIA”. E’ proprio lui, il grande Angelo Zaccaria a disegnare e ideare questo Parfum ispirandosi alla Donna che, come lui stesso afferma “Ama e si lascia Amare ma senza perdere Mai il suo Istinto che la rende UNICA”. Imparerete a conoscere questo grande personaggio che è Angelo Zaccaria, una fonte inesauribile di immaginazione, che ama inventare, creare, ma soprattutto, stupirci. Lo spot é stato girato nell’oasi dell’Alento in uno scenario naturalistico fantastico.Un’idea di Angelo per dare forma a un qualcosa che aveva pensato dopo anni di esperienza, ideato sopratutto per noi donne che siamo un po’ l’essenza della vita. Il profumo si chiamerà ZAA il premier parfums studiato da Angelo per rappresentare la donna dei nostri giorni . Godetevi questa fantastica anteprima dello spot..in attesa di vederlo finalmente in azione!
Girls I had already spoken of the wonderful events that take part in IZaccaria August in Agropoli wonderful! Well I wanted to show you some pictures and give you some more news on work in progress, which has seen 29 and 30, the realization of the spot for the first ZAA Parfum signed “The ZACCARIA“. And ‘he, the great Angel Zachary and to draw inspiration from the design This Fragrance Woman, as he himself says, “Love and let love, but without ever losing his instinct that makes ONE“. You will learn to know this great person who is Zachary Angelo, an endless source of imagination who loves to invent, create, above all, surprising. The spot was filmed in a naturalistic scene oasis dell’Alento fantastico.Un ‘idea of Angelo to give shape to something that he thought after years of experience, designed especially for us women that we are a bit‘ The essence of lives. The fragrance will be called ZAA Prime Parfums designed by Angelo to represent the woman of today. Enjoy this fantastic preview of the spot .. waiting to see him in action at last!
Girls I had already spoken of the wonderful events that take part in IZaccaria August in Agropoli wonderful! Well I wanted to show you some pictures and give you some more news on work in progress, which has seen 29 and 30, the realization of the spot for the first ZAA Parfum signed “The ZACCARIA“. And ‘he, the great Angel Zachary and to draw inspiration from the design This Fragrance Woman, as he himself says, “Love and let love, but without ever losing his instinct that makes ONE“. You will learn to know this great person who is Zachary Angelo, an endless source of imagination who loves to invent, create, above all, surprising. The spot was filmed in a naturalistic scene oasis dell’Alento fantastico.Un ‘idea of Angelo to give shape to something that he thought after years of experience, designed especially for us women that we are a bit‘ The essence of lives. The fragrance will be called ZAA Prime Parfums designed by Angelo to represent the woman of today. Enjoy this fantastic preview of the spot .. waiting to see him in action at last!
🙂 mi piace…
Ma che forza Lexis!!!
Buon Venerdi 😀 un bacione!