L’autunno è arrivato e i colori sfioriscono appassendo nel vento. Pieno di colori..pieno di oscurità. Questo il mio clima. E tra un principe di Galles e un altro, un toccò retrò e una strana malinconia, ecco che spuntano le parole che un tempo mi hai detto, scritte su un muro, sotto il mio nome..perchè l’autunno porta tante cose..e riporta anche te..
The autumn has arrived and the colors fade fading in the wind. Full of colors..full of black. This is my world. Prince of Wales, retro and strange melancholy..here is the words that  you told me, written on a wall, under my name..because autumn brings so many things..and you came back to me..
In This Outfit I Wear:
LuisaViaRoma in Skirt
LightInTheBox in Coat
Dolce&Gabbana in Bracelet
Bijou brigitte in Earrings
Vintage in Bag


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  1. Bellissimo blog 😉

  2. love your bag ! 🙂

    Thx for the lovely comment 😉

    I follow you now ! 😀

    I have a new post 😉 Check it out ! 🙂



  3. Hi Lexis!

    I really like your style. Fashion during Autumn is one of my favs!

    Really like your blog!

    ~ Tasha

  4. Me encanta la combinacion de colores en el outfit el azul electrico es hermoso, guapisima.
    Martha Zuñiga

  5. Thank you so much for the follow.^^
    Follow you back on gfc. Do you also follow me on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back…:-)

  6. Ciao cara, thanks for your comment on my blog! Your blog is really nice,this outfit is perfect! Following your blog now! If you like my blog follow me back. Greetings from Greece!

    • Zoé
    • October 21, 2012

    Really great ensemble, especially the gorgeous texture of those tights with those blue shoe and the handbag. Love it!

  7. omg, you are so pretty~ I’m totally your newest follower~


  8. such a great look:)) love the jacket!! would you like to follow each other on GFC, facebook and bloglovin?? happy weekend:)


  9. Love your coat and bag so much! Love your style 🙂 xo akiko

    Style Imported

  10. Love your coat and bag so much! Love your style 🙂 xo akiko

    Style Imported

  11. Great blog and style!
    Following back:)


    • Anna
    • October 20, 2012

    stupendo quest’outfit, mi piace tutto
    ma la cosa che più mi ha colpito sono i collant!
    Io ho un’ossessione per quelli particolari, non mi bastano mai!
    un bacio

    passa a vedere il mio ultimo outfit se ti va!

  12. Che bella! Adoro tutto il tuo outfit. Un baci.

  13. The shoes and the earrings are my favourite!! You look great!

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