the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel

E dopo tanta attesa è arrivata. Lei, la piccola black jacket più famosa del mondo della moda. Chanel. C’è aria di Chanel a Milano…aria di charme, di irriverenza, di eleganza..c’è aria di storia…quella storia interminabile che continua ad affascinare donne di ogni epoca ed età, muse iconiche di una moda che va oltre  le apparenze, oltre ogni sostanza. Tokyo, Parigi, Mosca, Londra , New York, Milano…questa piccola giacca ha attraversato il mondo, a bordo delle sue celebrità, tra le loro braccia, appesa alle loro spalle, avvicinando culture, paesi, sapori e impressioni. E scusate se sarò ripetitiva, scusatemi se ne parlo ancora…ma, son convinta, mi capirete…non si finisce mai di celebrare un mito…

And after a long wait has come: The most famous little black jacket of the fashion world. Chanel. There is air of Chanel in Milan … air of charm, irreverence and elegance .. or air of history…that history  that continues to fascinate women of every era and age, iconic fashion muse that goes beyond appearances, beyond any substance. Tokyo, Paris, Moscow, London, New York, Milan…this little jacket has traveled across the world, aboard its celebrities, in their arms, hanging behind them, bringing cultures, countries, tastes and impressions. And sorry if I’m repetitive, excuse me if I talk about it yet… but, I am convinced, you can understand me… We can’t never stop to celebrate a myth…
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
the little black jacket chanel, milano, mostre, fashion, dans la valise, coco chanel
Avete tempo fino al 20 Aprile per visitare questa imperdibile mostra! Avete ancora due giorni pieni insomma…l’appuntamento è alla Rotonda della Besana fino al 20 aprile a Milano! Don’t miss!

You have until April 20 to visit this amazing show! You still have two full days anyway…the appointment is at the Rotonda della Besana until April 20 in Milan! Don’t miss!

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    • WY
    • April 21, 2013

    I saw it in Paris last fall – it was amazing. Thanks for your lovely comment and sure let’s follow each other. I’m following you on GFC and bloglovin now 🙂 x

    Raves ‘nd Ramblings
    I’m also on bloglovin’.

  1. Nice post!
    I have already followed you!
    🙂 898 🙂
    Keep in touch 🙂

  2. this exhibition is great!
    the fotos reveal something real and emotional !


    • Isa
    • April 19, 2013

    Hello from germany 🙂 would you follow each other on gfc and bloglovin? if you like you can start and i’ll follow you back waiting for your response ♥

    • Isa
    • April 19, 2013

    Hello from germany 🙂 would you follow each other on gfc and bloglovin? if you like you can start and i’ll follow you back waiting for your response ♥

    • Mia
    • April 19, 2013

    Amazing photos, would love to get my hands on this book. Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂


  3. Grazie per essere passata da me, buona serata!

  4. i like all the photos 🙂

    visit my blog ^^

  5. I love this collection of blogs – that’s for commenting on my blog:) I followed you on GFC and Bloglovin and would love a followback!

  6. thnx 4 ur comment!
    of course i would like to follow each other
    i already follow u!

  7. Bellissima questa mostra!
    Buona giornata,

  8. Wow!! What a beautiful blog. I like very much your articles, your photos and your style, I have followed you via gfc, bloglovin and google+ . I have also a blog and I hope we can follow each other~~

  9. I liked your post, I would like to follow each other? let me know.

    Happy week.

  10. Ti seguo Alessia…. GFC n.886!!!!
    Non vedo te tra i miei followers, appena puoi ripassa… ti aspetto!
    Kiss, Paola!

  11. Mannaggia questa sì che è una mostra da vedere! 🙂

  12. Love Chanel!
    follow for follow?

  13. Wow 🙂 bellissime foto **

  14. adoro Chanel!
    Fashion Mommy

  15. Grande evento!!!!! Adoro Chanel!!!!!
    Ti va di seguirci?

  16. io l’ho visitata e no potevo mancare: Chanel mon amour!

  17. Interessante post!

  18. Magica. Foto stupende!
    Video Outfit YOUTUBE

  19. Good post, un bacio cara <3 ti aspetto da me per il mio nuovo post dedicato al mio diciottesimo compleanno sul mio blog xoxo Donny di

  20. following you now! its your turn…

  21. Quanto mi piacerebbe poterla vedere!!!


  22. Love the post! and your blog is nice too. following you via gfc, follow me back?


  23. non ne avevamo dubbi quella di SJP la mia preferita hihihih :)))


  24. veramente fantastica qst mostra… andrei a rivederla una seconda volta….bel post!

  25. Hey! Thank you for your really nice comment! 🙂

    Following you now on GFC, and G+!

    Hope you follow back! 😉


  26. I love your blog sweetie! Black jackets are definitely a must-have! Love the photos by the way 🙂 Following you now on your blog and on Bloglovin! You might want to join my giveaway!

    Airish ♥

  27. lovely classic item! 🙂

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